• Go digital

    Digital Mail Room works with your scanning solution to digitise incoming letters and capture key information, for storage in a cloud-based mail centre.

Built for a hybrid working world

With an increasing number of law firms implementing hybrid working arrangements, the demand for digitised mail handling has increased to ensure client service expectations are met.

Digital Mail Room overcomes this by capturing the details of incoming scanned post items and storing these in Peppermint’s platform for action - from your favourite devices.

Capture incoming post​

  • Capture incoming mail as it’s received from your scanning solution

  • Queue mail for distribution by your mailroom team​

  • Dashboard reporting will help you to understand and manage the performance of your mailroom team, e.g. set alerts where a mails age reaches predefined limits

Distribute mail efficiently

  • Configure workflows to automatically distribute mail, for example, by automatically associating mail to a matter where a reference is provided by your scanning solution​

  • Provide the mailroom team capability to preview post for sorting (where details have not been captured by the scanning solution)

Connect to Microsoft 365

  • Save emails and attachments to client and matter records as well as the document management system without leaving Outlook​ based on contact intelligence.

  • Review and approve PDF documents seamlessly from Outlook and Microsoft Teams.

Related solutions

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