Secure and Flexible

Built on Microsoft’s cloud platform and leveraging SharePoint Online, Peppermint Document Management delivers a secure, agile, and flexible solution for your law firm’s needs.

Simplify Document Management

Peppermint Document Management offers security and flexibility for effectively managing documents and emails, working seamlessly with Microsoft 365.

Complete with Outlook integration, mergeable templates, and automation, creating and managing documents and emails has never been simpler.

Peppermint Document Management empowers your firm to:

  • Peppermint Document Management is mobile enabled for securely accessing documents on the go. Clients and partners can benefit from instant service by means of unattended document production and secure online publishing.

  • Integration with Outlook means emails can be created and saved to client and matter records without having to leave your inbox. Automation of tasks such as approval routing and electronic signatures also saves time for your firm and your clients.

  • Create and manage templates for frequently produced documents, and easily merge client and matter information.

  • Lawyers and clients can collaborate and streamline the management of documents through fully audited, real-time live editing of documents to enable fast turnaround. Document versioning and check in/out make it simple to track changes and activity.

  • Ethical walls and robust audit and versioning, combined with the security of cloud and SharePoint, keep data secure whether at a desk or on a mobile device.

    Security profiles at team and individual levels enable secure and simple ethical wall functionality.

See Peppermint in action

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