Sneak peek: Enterprise Relationship Management (ERM) and Peppermint’s AI roadmap

Peppermint Technology is gearing up for an extraordinary in-person launch event for our latest groundbreaking product, Enterprise Relationship Management (ERM).

In this exclusive interview, we sat down with Emma France, Product Manager, and Mike Walker, CTO, to discuss the journey and features of ERM and Peppermint’s AI roadmap.

Join us as excitement builds towards the upcoming in-person event, where you’ll have the chance to see a live demo of ERM. Spots are limited; secure your seat by clicking here.

Let’s dive right in:

We’re really excited about the launch of ERM in April. Emma, what can you tell us about the first phase of this exciting addition to our Client Engagement product? 

This is a great question but hard to answer without giving too much away ahead of the launch event! The first phase of our ERM offering marks a significant step forward in enabling our clients to enhance their understanding of customer relationships and drive strategic decision-making.  

One key aspect of this phase involves leveraging 'who knows who' relationship strength within our client base. By analyzing communication patterns and interactions, our clients can uncover valuable insights into the strength and depth of connections between key stakeholders and their clients.  

We are also providing users of our ERM feature with the capability to "confirm" relationship scores with their contacts. This means that if the calculated score doesn't accurately reflect the relationship due to external non-work-related factors, users can provide additional context by confirming the score and optionally explaining any differentiators from the calculated score. 

Furthermore, this phase enables our clients to identify relationship trends, providing invaluable intelligence on how customer relationships evolve, and which interactions drive engagement and loyalty. 

Another crucial aspect of this phase is the introduction of signature scraping technology. Automatically extracting and analyzing email signatures allows for passive contact capture and updates into the system with less manual input required. 

Have you already started thinking about what could be included in the next phase of ERM work? 

Of course! Aside from the exciting AI work that Mike is working towards, there are some features and enhancements already in our minds that we would like to do in the next phase for the product. In addition, we’ll be looking to take feedback from our clients around things we can add into the features set, which would really add value to them.  

AI is all the buzz right now. How will AI fit into ERM?

The first phase of ERM will see us using Open AI as part of our signature scraping feature. Once the signature details have been extracted, the Open AI element will determine where the details should map to in the corresponding contact record in Client Engagement.  

ERM is part of a larger AI project in Peppermint. Mike, can you tell us more about Project Radiant? What is it?

This is a great question; there is so much to the adoption of AI and the responsibilities and ethicality of such a new technological advancement. How I see this is around the following pillars: 

- AI is a buzzword but also a powerful tool that can enhance many aspects of legal practice and business operations. AI can help lawyers automate tedious tasks, analyze complex data, generate insights, and provide personalized recommendations.  

Our RADIANT Platform leverages AI to streamline the understanding of the considerable amount of data within Microsoft 365, emails, documents, contacts, and calendars, as well as to surface relevant information and actions based on the context when the user is using Peppermint Connect within their application of choice Outlook / Teams. 

- Project Radiant is our Data and AI platform that integrates all our foundation and services under the Peppermint Data and AI Initiatives. Our vision is to provide a seamless and intelligent user experience across domains and channels, like web, mobile, voice, and chat. Project Radiant aims to leverage the latest advances in natural language processing, machine learning, and knowledge graphs to build a comprehensive and coherent understanding focused on the legal domain and the needs of our customers. 

- ERM is our first addon to leverage RADIANT as a platform, it provides the engine room for the extraction and intelligence to understand the content typically stored within the Microsoft 365 Graph which incorporates Emails, Teams, and Events. 

How will the AI-infusion Peppermint platform change the world of lawyers?

One of the ways that the AI-infusion Peppermint platform will change the world of lawyers is by enabling them to work more efficiently and effectively with their clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders. By using our RADIANT Platform, lawyers can access relevant information and insights from various sources, such as Microsoft 365, emails, documents, contacts, and calendars, within their preferred application, such as Outlook or Teams.  

They can also use our ERM add-on to extract and analyze key information from contracts, agreements, and other legal documents, and generate summaries, reports, and action items. This will save them time and effort and allow them to focus on higher-value tasks that require human judgement and creativity. 

Another way is by empowering lawyers to deliver better outcomes and experiences for their clients. Using our RADIANT Platform, lawyers can provide personalized and proactive advice and recommendations to their clients, based on their needs, preferences, and context.  

They can also use our ERM add-on to monitor and manage the relationships and understand who knows who within the first. The two combined will enhance the engagement with their client by improving client loyalty, satisfaction and increasing revenue. This enables them to offer more value-added services that differentiate them from their competitors. 

We don’t want to spoil too much for the launch event in April, but can you give us a sneak peek of the current AI roadmap?

Sure, I'm happy to share some of the highlights of our AI roadmap. We have three main goals for the next few months: 

- To expand the coverage and quality of our RADIANT platform, by adding more sources, insights, and improving the accuracy and relevance of our natural language processing features, and knowledge of the information within the Microsoft Graph. 

- To enhance the functionality and usability of our ERM add-on, by providing more features, such as adding automatic Touch Point 'Suggested Topics’ by utilizing the information sitting within RADIANT. 

- To explore new opportunities and challenges for AI in the legal domain, by collaborating with our customers, partners, and experts, and conducting research and experiments on topics such as ethical and trustworthy AI, explainable AI, and human-AI collaboration. 

We are very excited about the potential of AI to transform the legal industry, and we look forward to sharing more details and demos at our launch event in April. Stay tuned! 

Register here to attend our Enterprise Relationship Management & AI Innovation launch event in London.


Enterprise Relationship Management (ERM) Spotlight


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