Unlocking Success: Peppermint's Work Management Solution

Picture your law firm as a busy hive full of activities where matters and tasks are buzzing. Now, imagine there’s an extraordinary tool at your disposal, acting as your trusted ally. Work Management plays a crucial role in ensuring that the distribution of work is not only objective but also highly efficient. 

You can think of Work Management as your reliable assistant, always there, always ready to help. It becomes your diligent partner who carefully analyses all the workloads, competencies, experience and expertise to find the best person to complete work to the highest standards. Work Management’s superpower is to allocate tasks bias-free, ensuring fairness to everyone. 

Let’s take a deep dive into the Key Features of Work Management

Resource Management

This software goes beyond task distribution. It performs a meticulous analysis of individual workloads, competencies and experiences to allocate the task to the best person.

Task Management

This module helps legal professionals organise and prioritise tasks and assignments. The main features include task assignment, tracking, and deadline management.

Workflow Automation

Work Management keeps all the data in one place. It enables firms to create standardised processes for everyday legal tasks, reducing manual work and increasing efficiency.


Getting an overview of an employee's availability and workload is easier. Forget Spreadsheets or Excel files and let Work Management's data decide who is the best candidate for the role based on their capabilities. This leads to individual growth, where each employee has the opportunity to thrive.

A Holistic View of Tasks

Law firms' most significant challenge is managing all the work from different channels. Work Management gives you breathing space to use your time more efficiently as you have an overview of incoming tasks.

Ease of Use

Work Management has an Interactive dashboard that is easy to use and can be personalised for multiple organisational roles.


With Work Management, you get the best of both worlds. The module can be integrated with third-party applications such as Case Management and Practice Management, and Microsoft native apps like Outlook and Teams.

Security and Compliance:

The Work Management module includes security and compliance features to protect sensitive client information and ensure adherence to legal and ethical standards.

In essence, this software is a tool to delegate legal tasks, orchestrating a harmonious blend of skills, experiences and capabilities to provide lawyers with a fair and productive work environment. As Rob Buckmaster, product manager at Peppermint Technology, states,

“It’s intended to help firms make sense of their existing data and use that as a basis for decision-making. It’s about generating evidence rather than relying on intuition, guesswork or personal relationships.”

If you are eager to see how Work Management can improve your organisation, there’s no better way to do so than by booking a demo today. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore its capabilities, ask questions and witness how it can transform your business.

You can Schedule a Demo by Clicking Here, or you can join our on-demand Work Management webinars.


Strategic Transformation: Why Law Firms Need Peppermint Technology's Work Management Now 


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